Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Introduction

Pada pertemuan ini Website Edukasi akan membagikan materi dan contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Introduction. Sebagai seorang pelajar tentunya adik-adik sering bertemu dengan teman-teman dan Bapak/Ibu guru disekolah, tetapi jika bertemu dengan teman atau guru baru tentunya adik-adik akan memperkenalkan diri bukan?

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 - Introduction

Karena kita sedang membahas mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, mestinya cara memperkenalkan diri juga dengan bahasa inggris juga. Kenapa harus berbahasa inggris? Karena dapat berguna dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sebagai contoh, ketika kalian mulai memasuki dunia kerja atau saat kalian bertemu dengan bintang idola favoritmu.

Fungsi Introduction

Fungsi utama dari introduction adalah untuk memperkenalkan diri kepada orang lain. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kita sering bertemu dengan orang baru, seperti teman baru, teman sekelas, teman kerja, atau teman bisnis. Untuk menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan orang-orang tersebut, kita perlu memperkenalkan diri terlebih dahulu.

Struktur Introduction

Struktur introduction dalam Bahasa Inggris terdiri dari beberapa bagian, yaitu:

  • Greeting
  • Identification
  • Personal information
  • Closing

Contoh Penggunaan Introduction

Berikut adalah contoh introduction dalam Bahasa Inggris:


Hello, everyone.


My name is Toni.

Personal information

I’m from Pati, Central Java, Indonesia. I’m a student at SMA Negeri 1 Pati. I’m interested in English, coding, and playing the guitar.


It was nice meeting you all.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Introduction

Contoh soal introduction kelas 10 ini berjumlah 15 butir soal pilihan ganda disertai dengan contoh bacaan cara memperkenalkan diri. Soal bahasa inggris kelas 10 ini sudah mulai diajarkan pada semester 1, sehingga soal introduction kelas 10 dan jawabannya ini juga dijadikan soal uas bahasa inggris kelas 10 semester 1 nantinya.

Langsung saja yuk kita mulai materi dan contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 – Introduction dibawah ini.

1. What kinds of this form?

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 - Introduction

A. Medical form

B. Learning course form

C. Order form

D. withdrawal form

E. Purchase form

2. Where do you usually find this form?

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 - Introduction

A. at school

B. at the language course

C. at the museum

D. at the library

E. at the hospital

3. Nino : “Mr. Handoyo, … my father.”

Mr. Handoko : “How do you do, Mr. Sonjaya?”

Mr. Sonjaya : “How do you do, Mr. Handoko?”

A. I’m glad to help

B. I’d like to introduce

C. I want to invite

D. It’s time to go

E. I like to visit

4. Anita is a new member of Sahabat English Club. She introduced herself.

Anita : “Ladies and gentlemen ….”

A. allow me to introduce myself

B. let me introduce you to the audiences

C. your welcome

D. tam happy to meet you

E. may I introduce you to the audiences

5. Dimas : “Hi …? My name is Dimas. Nice to meet you.

Yogi : “Hi, Nice to meet you too. I’m Yogi.

A. let me introduce myself

B. can I introduce Yudi

C. have you met Yudi before

D. can you introduce yourself

E. can I help you

6. Putri : “Let me … my friend to you this is Ayu.”

Bayu : “Hi Ayu, nice to see you.”

A. hello

B. good night

C. introduce

D. hi

E. good bye

7. Mega: Where are you from?

Awan: ………………

A. I from Malang.

B. I’m from Malang.

C. I come from Malang.

D. I’m come from Malang.

E. Iam from Malang.

8. Aditya : “I would like to …. myself. My name is Aditya.”

A. hello

B. complete

C. nice to see you

D. introduce

E. how do you do

9. Hi, my name is Sebastian Ryan. I was born in Bandung, West Java, but my whole family moved to Jakarta when I was five. So I grew up there. I graduated from middle school about two years ago and I am currently attending a high school in my city. I am a junior and I am interested in social science, especially economics. I also have a guitar course. My life is really busy, but Ienjoy listening to the music, reading, hiking and hanging out with my friends in my free time. I like playing skateboard as well. I always go skateboarding in the park next to the museum. When I graduate, I want to work for a company in this city.

Where was Sebastian born? He was born

A. In Semarang, Central Java

B. In Surabaya, East Java

C. In Bandung, West Java

D. In Bogor, West Java

E. In Jakarta, Jakarta Province

10. Hi, my name is Sebastian Ryan. I was born in Bandung, West Java, but my whole family moved to Jakarta when I was five. So I grew up there. I graduated from middle school about two years ago and I am currently attending a high school in my city. I am a junior and I am interested in social science, especially economics. I also have a guitar course. My life is really busy, but Ienjoy listening to the music, reading, hiking and hanging out with my friends in my free time. I like playing skateboard as well. I always go skateboarding in the park next to the museum. When I graduate, I want to work for a company in this city.

Where does Sebastian go skateboarding?

A. near his father’s company

B. near the museum

C. near his house

D. near his school

E. near his quitar school

11. Hi there! Let me introduce myself. My name is Rebbeca Evelyn and I am 15 years old from Queens Town Singapore. By the way, I really like to read and write, J.K. Rowling is one of my favourites author. I like poetry and I have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with music. I like alternative, rock and pop. Linkin Park and Coldplay are two of my favourites band. My favourite colour is purple. I have a big family and I love eating.

I am looking to write to anybody. I don’t care where you are from and as long as you are between the ages of fifteen to twenty one. I tend to write a lot though. So, if you are interested, shoot me an email here: [email protected] or you can just send me a message in my box.

Where does Rebbeca come from?

A. Indonesia

B. Malaysia

C. Singapore

D. England

E. Philipine

12. Hi there! Let me introduce myself. My name is Rebbeca Evelyn and I am 15 years old from Queens Town Singapore. By the way, I really like to read and write, J.K. Rowling is one of my favourites author. I like poetry and I have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with music. I like alternative, rock and pop. Linkin Park and Coldplay are two of my favourites band. My favourite colour is purple. I have a big family and I love eating.

I am looking to write to anybody. I don’t care where you are from and as long as you are between the ages of fifteen to twenty one. I tend to write a lot though. So, if you are interested, shoot me an email here: [email protected] or you can just send me a message in my box.

Who is her favourite author?

A. Stephen King

B. J.K. Rowling

C. Stephenie Meyer

D. Merry Riana

E. Jackie Collins

13. Surya : Lusi, this is my new friend, his name is Doni. He is a company director.

Lusi : Hi Doni.

Doni : Hello, Lusi ……………..? Nice to meet you.

Lusi : How do you do, Nice to meet you, too.

A. How are things with you

B. What are you

C. May i help you

D. How are you

E. How do you do

14. Hi there! Let me introduce myself. My name is Rebbeca Evelyn and I am 15 years old from Queens Town Singapore. By the way, I really like to read and write, J.K. Rowling is one of my favourites author. I like poetry and I have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with music. I like alternative, rock and pop. Linkin Park and Coldplay are two of my favourites band. My favourite colour is purple. I have a big family and I love eating.

I am looking to write to anybody. I don’t care where you are from and as long as you are between the ages of fifteen to twenty one. I tend to write a lot though. So, if you are interested, shoot me an email here: [email protected] or you can just send me a message in my box.

So, if you are interested, shoot me an email ….” (Paragraph 2) What does the underlined word means…

A. send

B. give

C. throw

D. create

E. reject

15. What is the most proper sentence to complete the conversation below?

Q: ……………………….

A: I like Math and English.

A. Tell me about yourself!

B. What are your hobbies?

C. What are your favorite subjects?

D. Why don’t you like Math and English?

E. Where is your house?

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