General classification:
- Stating classification of general aspect of thing; animal, public place, plant, etc which will be discussed in general (Menyatakan klasifikasi aspek umum benda; hewan, tempat umum, tumbuhan, dll yang akan dibahas secara umum)
- Description: Describing the thing which will be discussed in detail; part per part , customs or deed for living creature and usage for materials and things (Mendeskripsikan hal yang akan dibahas secara detail; bagian per bagian, adat istiadat atau akta untuk makhluk hidup dan pemanfaatan bahan dan benda)
The Differences between report text and descriptive text (Perbedaan antara teks laporan dan teks deskriptif)
- In report text describe something in general but in descriptive text, describe something specifically. (dalam teks laporan menjelaskan sesuatu secara umum tetapi dalam teks deskriptif, mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara spesifik atau khusus.)
- The object in report text is plural, while the object that is told in the Descriptive Text is singular. (Objek dalam teks laporan berbentuk jamak, sedangkan objek yang diceritakan dalam teks deskriptif berbentuk tunggal.)
Language Feature of Report Text (Fitur Bahasa Teks Laporan)
• Introducing group or general aspect (Memperkenalkan aspek kelompok atau umum)
• Using conditional logical connection; when, so, etc (Menggunakan koneksi logis bersyarat; kapan, jadi, dll)
• Using simple present tense (verb 1) (Menggunakan simple present tense (kata kerja brntuk ke 1)
Setelah mempelajari pembahasan singkat Report Text diatas, tiba saatnya untuk contoh soal Report Text.
1. what is report text?
A. Report text is a text that describes something in specific.
B. Report text is a text that describes something in general.
C. Report text is text to report something
D. Report text is text to tell how to do something
2. what is communicative purpose of report text?
A. is to present information about something in general.
B. is to present information about something in specific
3. The Differences between report text and descriptive text
A. In report text describe something in specific but in descriptive something generally. The object in report text is singular, while Descriptive Text is plural
B. In report text describe something in general but in descriptive something specifically. The object in report text is plural, while Descriptive Text is singular.
4. Language Feature of Report Text
A. using present tense
B. using past tense
C. introducing individual aspect
D. introducing specific aspect
Demikian Definisi Report Text, Struktur dan Contoh Soalnya yang telah kami sampaikan, semoga dapat bermanfaat untuk anda.