Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 – Expression of Admitting and Denying Facts

 Admitting and Denying Facts adalah sebuah ungkapan untuk mengakui (admitting) atau menyangkal (denying) suatu fakta. Fakta adalah suatu pendapat, tanggapan, pandangan pengamatan seseorang atau kelompok yang bersifat objektif dan dapat dipastikan kebenarannya, ungkapan untuk mengakui atau menyangkal suatu fakta disebut Expression of Admitting and Denying Facts.

Ungkapan-ungkapan dalam Expression of Admitting and Denying Facts terbagi menjadi 2 macam, yaitu Formal dan Informal.

Admitting facts

Expression of Admitting and Denying Facts

A: Are you the new English teacher?
B: Yes, I am.
A: I think you should change your hairstyle.
B: Yes, you’re right.
A: Did you ate my strawberry shortcake?
B: You got me.
A: Just admit that you’re lying!
B: Alright, it’s true.

Denying facts

Expression of Admitting and Denying Facts

A: Are you Mrs. Janette?
B: No, that’s not me.
A: Is this answer correct?
B: No, that’s wrong.
A: Do you really hate the new student that much?
B: That’s not it.
A: Anne saw you going out with your friends last night. Are you lying to me?
B: No, I swear! I’m not lying!
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