Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 – Making Promise and Swearing

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 - Making Promise and Swearing

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 – Making Promise and Swearing

What is promises?

A promise is a commitment by someone to do or not do something or a declaration that something will or will not be done, given, etc. Making Promise is the expression how express your promise to someone.

Janji adalah komitmen oleh seseorang untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu atau deklarasi bahwa sesuatu akan atau tidak akan dilakukan, diberikan, dll.

Membuat Janji adalah ekspresi bagaimana mengungkapkan janji Anda kepada seseorang.

Before make a Promise :

  • Think about the promise before you make it (Pikirkan tentang janji itu sebelum Anda membuat)
  • Be honest about your capabilities (Jujurlah tentang kemampuan Anda)
  • Talk about the promise with another person (Bicarakan tentang janji itu dengan orang lain)
  • Watch the things that you promised (Perhatikan hal-hal yang Anda janjikan)
  • Keep your mouth shut (Tutup mulutmu)

Expressions for Making a Promise

  • I promise/swear that I – Saya berjanji / bersumpah bahwa saya ….
  • I promise you that – Saya berjanji kepada Anda bahwa ….
  • I swear (to do something). – Aku bersumpah (untuk melakukan sesuatu)
  • Trust me, I can. Percayalah, aku bisa.
  • I will pick you up. – Saya akan menjemput Anda.
  • I assure you that I will return it on time – Saya meyakinkan Anda bahwa saya akan kembali tepat waktu
  • I won’t go, I swear to stay here.- Saya tidak akan pergi, aku bersumpah untuk tinggal di sini.
  • I swear I will not let you down.- Aku bersumpah tidak akan mengecewakan Anda.
  • Don’t worry, I’ll see you before I leave.- Jangan khawatir, aku akan melihat Anda sebelum aku pergi.

Respond a Promise

  • Thank you.- Terima kasih.
  • I believe you.- Aku percaya kau.
  • Let me be assured.- Biarkan saya yakin.
  • Okay.- Oke.
  • Just let the time to answer.- Biarkan waktu yang menjawab.
  • I wish you can keep on your promise – Saya berharap Anda dapat menyimpan janji Anda
  • I’ll wait for you.- Aku akan menunggu untuk Anda

What are Mistakes?

Mistake is a misunderstanding or misconception or an error in action, calculation, opinion, or judgement caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, etc. When you have a mistake to someone, you need to plead your mistake, so the problem will be clear. Admitting Mistake is the way to admit and ask for a sorry of your mistake.

Benefits of Admitting Mistakes

  • It demonstrates your courage (Menunjukkan keberanian Anda)
  • It demonstrates your humanity (Menunjukkan kemanusiaan Anda)
  • It engenders more trusting relationships (Menimbulkan hubungan yang lebih terpercaya)
  • It creates greater organisational value (Menciptakan nilai organisasi yang lebih besar)

Admitting Mistakes Expressions

  • I’m sorry. It’s my fault.- Maafkan saya. Ini adalah kesalahan saya.
  • You’re right. I’m fully responsible for this matter.- Anda benar. Saya bertanggung jawab penuh atas hal ini.
  • I admit what I’ve done is wrong.- Aku mengakui apa yang telah saya lakukan adalah salah.
  • I realize I’ve made mistakes.- Saya menyadari saya telah membuat kesalahan
  • Yes, I take the blame.- Ya. Saya terima tuduhan itu
  • It’s my mistakes.- Forgive me.- Ini kesalahan saya. Maafkan aku.
  • It shouldn’t be like this. Forgive me.- Seharusnya tidak seperti ini. Maafkan aku.
  • I never intended it that way – Saya tidak bermaksud seperti itu

Response of Admitting Mistakes Expressions

  • Don’t mention it. Jangan menyebutkan itu.
  • That would be okay Itu akan baik-baik saja
  • Just take it easy Tenang saja
  • Let it go. Biarkan saja.
  • Forget it. Lupakan.
  • That’s fine. Tidak apa-apa
  • I give you sorry. – Anda saya maafkan
  • It doesn’t matter for me. Tidak masalah bagi saya.

The Dialog Contains Expression of Making Promise 1

Andre : Hi, Jen. I was told that I’d find you here. I want to talk with you.
Jenny : I’m sorry Ndre, I can’t, I’m very busy and I have many activity today, I don’t have a time to talk about anyway.
Andre : But I want to apologize with you, please forgive me, I know you think I’m a looser man, but I promise to change my attitude.
Jenny : You said it too yesterday.
Andre : Please Jenny, I swear this time, believe me!
Jenny : Sorry I have many activities today, I have to go, bye!

Making Promise 2

David: Hi, Paula. Are you still angry with me?
Paula: No, I’m just disappointed with you.
David: I’m sorry Paula. I’m sorry I disappointed you yesterday.
Paula: You are still my friend, but it takes time to forgive you.
David: Please forigive me. I promise I will not disappoint you anymore.
Paula: Well, I will consider your words later.
David: Thank you.

Admitting Mistakes 3

Miss Dina : Why don’t you submit your homework Fatih?
Fatih : Sorry miss, I realize that I’ve made a mistake. I forgot to bring it for I woke up late last morning.
Miss Dina : I give you sorry but when will you submit it?
Fatih : I swear that I will submit it tomorrow Miss.
Miss Dina : I wish you can keep on your promise Y.
Fatih : Ok Miss.

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