Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013

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Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013

A. Answer the following questions correctly!

Complete the following dialogue for number 1 to 5!

Farah : “Hey, Runi! Would you help me to stay in your (1)….for one night?”
Seruni : “ I am not sure. By the way, what happen with your (2)….?”
Farah : “My room is being renovated by the owner. It needs to repaint.”
Seruni : “Oh, I see.”
Farah : “So, Do you still in Lampung ciry?”
Seruni : “Yes, of course I still live in Bandar Lampung. I guess next month I will rent (3)….there.”
Farah : “(4)…..”
Seruni : “There is a housing giving from the (5)…..”
Farah : “Thank you, Seruni. Have a great life for you.”
Seruni : “You, too.”

1. house
2. boarding house
3. an apartment
4. Wow, all by your self
5. company

Fill in the blank with the correct answer!

6. Deni….speak English well.
Answer : Can

7. I….be visit you next summer
Answer : Will

8. ….you like to eat meet or fish, Sir?
Answer : Would

9. You….wear shoes to school!
Answer : Must

10. Agus….meet you right now. He is in jogja
Answer : Will/ can not

11. What is the aim of offering help expression?
Answer : To express giving something physical or abstract to someone who can be taken as a trade

12. What is modal verbs?
Answer : Words placed before main verb to modify the meaning of main verbs

13. What is modal used to state willingness?
Answer : Would, will

14. What will you say if you need a help?
Answer : Could you help me?

15. What will you say if you feel do not need a help?
Answer : Don’t bother yourself

16. What will you say if you receive a help?
Answer : Yes, please

17. What is modal for subject I and we?
Answer : Shall

18. What is modal for stating get permission?
Answer : Can, may, could

19. What do you say if you want help you mother in your house?
Answer : Could I help you to sweep the floor?

20. What do you say if you need a help to push the door?
Answer : Please, can you push the door for me?

21. Write five modals used in offering help expression!
Answer : May, could, can, will, would

22. What does “offer” mean?
Answer : To give something physical or abstract to someone who can be taken as a gift or a trade

23. What is modal express necessity?
Answer : Must

24. “Do you want I help you?’, What does the sentence mean?
Answer : I want to help someone

25. ‘I appreciate it but I can do it myself’, What does the sentence mean?
Answer : I refuse a help

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