Berjumpa kembali bersama Website Edukasi, dalam kesempatan ini kita akan belajar Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 11 SMA, yaitu Explanation text.

Soal Explanation Text Kelas 11
Explanation text adalah jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris yang menjelaskan mengenai suatu proses. Teks ini hampir sama dengan procedure text. Jika procedure text menjelaskan cara melakukan sesuatu (proses), Explanation text menjelaskan bagaimana suatu proses tersebut terjadi. Dengan begitu, dapat kita ketahui bahwa explanation text berfungsi untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca tentang suatu proses tersebut.
Beberapa ciri-ciri Explanation text, yaitu:
- Menggunakan Simple Present Tense
- Menggunakan Action Verbs
- Menggunakan Passive Voices
- Menggunakan Noun Phrases
- Menggunakan Technical Terms
- Berisi penjelasan mengenai proses
Generic Structure of Explanation Text
- General Statement
- Explanation
- Closing
Berikut ini adalah Contoh Soal Explanation Text Kelas 11
1. What is explanation text?
A. Text which describe how to make something
B. Text which tell experience
C. Text which describe why and how something happened
D. Text which tell the history
2. What is the generic structure of explanation text?
A. Orientation, event, reorientation
B. Identification, description
C. Orientation, sequences of explanation
D. General statement, sequences of explanation
3. What is the purpose of explanation text?
A. To entertain the reader
B. To describe how and why a phenomenon happen
C. To describe something
D. To persuade the readers
4. what is the picture telling about?

C. Stay, travel, and study from home
D. Do online, stay, and pray from home
6. When we eat very hot or cold food ……..
A. the food will lose its taste
B. the food won’t smell good
C. the taste-buds will be sensitive
D. the taste-buds will be very, responsive
7. How does Covid-19 spread?
A. ecosystem of bats, snakes, rats come from Wuhan, China
B. coughing, sneezing, physical contacts with the infected people
C. social and physical distancing
D. blood transfusion, injection, or surgery
8. What does Covid-19 stand for?
A. Novel Coronavirus
B. Corona Virus Disease 2019
C. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
D. Coronavirus 2019
9. Where did Corona virus start?
B. Italy
C. China
D. India
10. We can taste any kind of food because of ……..
A. the good smell of food
B. the four main kinds of taste
C. the senses of smell and sight
D. the taste-buds in the tongue
11. These following statements are correct about Covid-19, except …
A. It’s deadly and it can be transmitted from human to human
B. It was traced back to a seafood market in the city of Wuhan, China
C. It is a type of Coronavirus that attacks body respiratory system
D. This type of new virus has been spreading over only in China
12. How does Covid-19 spread?
A. ecosystem of bats, snakes, rats come from Wuhan, China
B. coughing, sneezing, physical contacts with the infected people
C. social and physical distancing
D. blood transfusion, injection, or surgery
13. These statements are the government’s efforts of preventing the spread of Covid-19 to the society, except …
A. asking people to stay at home, work or study from home, and have physical distancing in public places
B. wearing masks anytime going outside
C. screening travelers from foreign countries in the airports, harbors, or stations
D. banning travelers to do self quarantine for 14 days
14. What is the biggest threat of spreading Covid-19?
A. touching your face (mouth, nose, eyes) before washing hands with soap
B. being in the crowd without physical distancing
C. the mobility of the infected people
D. working from office with a large number of people
15. What is the social function of an explanation text about Coronavirus?
A. to explain how or why the spread of Coronavirus
B. to show the steps of preventing self from Coronavirus
C. to amuse the readers how to be fun staying at home
D. to persuade the people not to be infected by Coronavirus
16. What are the schematic structures of explanation text?
A. Orientation, Series of Events, Reorientation
B. Identification, Description
C. General Statement, Sequenced of Explanation, Closing
D. Goal, Materials, Steps
17. These statements are correct about the symptoms of Covid-19, except …
A. suffering cough, sneeze, fever, and shortness of breath
B. getting brighter skin color, fat body, and dark circles around eyes
C. experiencing mild to severe respiratory illness
D. symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure
18. Who is the most vulnerable in danger because of the spread of Covid-19 based on the text you have read?
A. children and teenagers studying from home
B. travelers doing self quarantine
C. older people suffered certain illness
D. people with good body immune system
19. These are basic hygiene measures, except …
A. washing your hands with soap regularly
B. washing your hands before going outside
C. avoiding people having a cold or flu
D. avoiding unprotected contact with farm or wild animals especially bats
20. What does Covid-19 stand for?
A. Novel Coronavirus
B. Corona Virus Disease 2019
C. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
D. Coronavirus 2019
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