SMP karena materinya diambil dari pelajaran yang diajarkan disekolah pada umumnya. Sedikit penjelasan tentang Descriptive Text: Descriptive text adalah sebuah teks yang menjelaskan tentang suatu hal. Misalnya, mendeskripsikan orang orang, binatang atau suatu benda baik bentuknya, sifat-sifatnya, jumlahnya dan lain-lain. Descriptive text juga bertujuan untuk menjelaskan, menggambarkan atau mengungkapkan seseorang atau suatu benda.
Berikut ini adalah Contoh Soal Descriptive Text Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII
1. “Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school he plays football and tennis” The underlined word can be replaced by …
A. Dislike sport
B. Really like sport
C. Hates sport very much
D. Finds sports not really entertaining
2. What is the text mostly about?
A. Many people do not like Peter
B. People is older that the writer
C. Peter is a welcoming person
D. Peter is not diligent at all
4. Which of the following statement is not true about Peter?
A. He has long and straight hair
B. He has bright eyes
C. He is uninterested in sports
D. He plays football and tennis
5. How old is Peter?
Based on the text Mrs Allisa is a …. teacher.
A. Quiet
B. Good
C. Silly
D. Lazy
7. Which sentence is correct?
A. the writer
B. the writer’s friend
C. Mrs. Allisa
D. the student
What is Mrs. Handayani?
A. a doctor
B. a teacher
C. a midwife
D. a nurse
10. What is she like?
Riana is …
A. tall and thin
B. short and thin
C. tall and fat
D. short and heavy
13. Riana and Intan look…
What is the title of the text?
A. The writer
B. The writer’s mother
C. The writer’s wife
D. The writer’s child
15. What is her eyes look like?
A. Tree
B. Honey
C. Star
D. Ball
16. What is her hair look like?
A. Curly and short
B. Curly and long
C. Curly and black
D. Curly and brown
17. What are the writer’s mother hobby?
A. The writer’s mother
B. The writer’s wife
C. The writer’s child
D. The writer’s friend
19. She likes her house to be clean and organized. What is the antonym of underlined word?
A. Tidy
B. Dirty
C. Clear
D. Messy
20. What does she dislike/ hate?
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