Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD

Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD

Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD

 Dalam pertemuan kali ini kita akan belajar Soal Things In The Classroom untuk Kelas 1 SD. Ada banyak sekali benda-benda yang dapat kita temukan didalam kelas, seperti buku, pensil, meja kursi dan lain-lain. Dalam contoh soal ini adik-adik kelas 1 SD akan belajar nama-nama barang didalam kelas dalam bahasa inggris.

Berikut adalah Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD

1. What’s this?
Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD
A. pencil case
B. notebook
C. paper
D. book
2. What’s this?
Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD
A. desk
B. table
C. book
D. chair
3. What’s this?
Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD
A. a desk
B. a chair
C. a pencil
D. a bag
4. What’s this?
Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD
A. a notebook
B. a glue
C. a bag
D. scissors
5. What’s this?
Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD
A. a pencil case
B. a pencil
C. scissors
D. a rubber
6. What’s this?
Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD
A. a ruler
B. a scissors
C. a sharpener
D. a desk
7. What’s this?
Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD
A. There is a crocodile
B. There are a dolphin
C. There is a turtle
D. There are a fly
Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD
A. There are five chickens
B. There is five chickens
C. There are five ducks
D. There is five ducks
10. Is it a rubber?
Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD
  • Yes, it is.
  • No, it isn’t.
11. Is it a bag?
Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD
  • Yes, it is.
  • No, it isn’t.
12. Is it a pencil?

Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD
A. Chicken
B. Sheep
C. Goat
D. Duck
14. This is a…
Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD
A. Ears
B. Wings
C. Feet
D. Teeth
16. This is…
Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD
A. Ears
B. Feet
C. Wings
D. Teeth
17. How do you say “Zanahoria” in English?
Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD
19. A: What does Miss Diandra do?
      B: She is a ….
Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD
A. postman
B. policeman
C. porter
D. policewoman
20. A: What does your sister do?
      B: She is a …
Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SDDownload Contoh Soal Things In The Classroom Kelas 1 SD
Demikian Soal Bahasa Inggris Things In The Classroom untuk kelas 1 SD yang dapat kami sajikan, semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi Bapak Ibu Guru dan adik-adik semua.

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