Latihan Soal Simple Past Tense Kelas X
Kembali berjumpa dengan kami, Website edukasi. Pada kesempatan ini kita akan mengasah hasil belajar kita pada materi Simple Past Tense untuk Kelas X jenjang SMA. Materi Simple Past Tense ini berjumlah 20 butir soal pilihan ganda dengan kunci jawabannya. Langsung saja yuk kita simak Latihan Soal Simple Past Tense Kelas X dibawah ini.
Berikut ini adalah Latihan Soal Simple Past Tense Kelas X
1. My mother …. a nurse 10 years ago
A. is
B. was
C. were
D. are
2. Did you …. to college by motorcycle yesterday ?
A. go
B. goed
C. went
D. want
3. Brian didn’t … his parents about his english test score last week
A. told
B. tell
C. telling
D. telled
4. We… still here after you went home
A. are
B. were
C. was
D. is
5. Yang termasuk time signal pada simple past tense adalah berikut ini, kecuali…
A. Last month
B. Yesterday
C. Next year
D. Two days ago
6. “Dudung was not a diligent student”
Kalimat tersebut adalah termasuk kalimat nominal.
A. Benar
B. Salah
7. The past form of write is ___
a. Writes
b. Wrote
c. Written
d. Writing
8. The past form of buy is ___
a. Bought
b. Brought
c. Buys
d. Buying
9. Maya ___ some money to her sister yesterday.
a. giving
b. gives
c. give
d. gave
10. Maya ___ some money to her sister yesterday.
a. giving
b. gives
c. give
d. gave
11. Sally ___a heart on the beach sand last week.
a. drew
b. draw
c. draws
d. drawing
12. I ____ something new last Tuesday.
a. learn
b. learns
c. learnt
d. learning
13. Become = Menjadi, bentuk past simplenya adalah adalah…
A. became
B. become
14. Translate into English “Dion memenangkan kontes pidato di sekolahnya dua hari yang lalu”
A. Dion win the speech contest in his school two days ago.
B. Dion won the speech contest in his school two days ago.
C. Dion winning the speech contest in his school two days ago.
D. Dion wins the speech contest in his school two days ago.
15. Translate into English “Saya tidak berada di rumah ketika kamu datang tadi malam”
A. I was not at home when he came last night
B. I were not at home when he came last night
C. I was at home when he came last night
D. I were at home when he came last night
16. I told him I …….. something to show to his brother last week.
A. had
B. has
C. have
D. havehad
17. I’m sure I ……. him two years ago.
A. am seeing
B. have seen
C. have been seeing
D. saw
18. One day last year, John …….off his bike.
A. falls
B. fell
C. has been falling
D. is falling
19. They……. this music two hours ago
A. be listen
B. listened
C. listen
D. listening
20. Anita……me in this market yesterday
A. meets
B. meeting
C. met
D. meet
Dan sebagai pembelajaran dirumah nanti, anda dapat unnduh Latihan Soal Simple Past Tense Kelas X ini melalui tautan berikut ini:
Demikianlah Contoh soal Simple Past Tense untuk Kelas X SMA yang telah kami bagikan, semoga dapat menambah wawasan anda.