Latihan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA
Apakah anda sedang mencari soal latihan Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 buat menghadapi Penilaian Akhir Semester? Kalau begitu langsung pelajari soal-soal berikut ini.
Sebentar lagi murid SMA Kelas 12 akan menghadapi penilaian akhir semester (PAS), Tentunya harus sudah melakukan berbagai persiapan menghadapi PAS tersebut. Belajar lebih giat dan banyak-banyak latihan soal menjadi salah satu cara mengasah kemampuan dalam menjawab soal nantinya.
Kali ini Website Edukais akan membantu anda mempersiapkan diri dalam menghadapi Penilaian Akhir Semester khususnya untuk siswa kelas 12 mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
Latihan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA ini dalam format Pilihan Ganda berisi 20 butir soal dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasannya. Langsung saja lihat soal-soal Bahasa Inggris dibawah ini.
17. My body shakes like jello and I mumble like a baby, begging Mr Hansen not to phone Mother. “Please!” I whine, “Not today! Don’t you understand, it’s Friday?”
According to the text above, which statement is INCORRECT?
A. The writer was begging his teacher not to call his mother.
B. The writer whined to Mr. Hansen not to call his mother.
C. The writer asked his teacher not to phone his mother.
D. The writer wanted his teacher to contact his mother.
E. The writer did not want Mr. Hansen to contact his mother.
Jawaban: D
Di situ disebutkan bahwa si penulis memohon agar gurunya menghubungi ibunya, padahal yang tertulis pada teks justru sebaliknya, yaitu ia tidak ingin gurunya menghubungi ibunya.
Salahadin read the notes again. He asked himself some questions. Did Pearson find the tomb of Ankuten? he asked himself. Did he find a black cat?
18. In other words, we can say that Salahadin ….
A. questioned himself if Pearson had found the tomb of Ankuten and a black cat.
B. questioned himself where Pearson had found the tomb of Ankuten.
C. told himself to find Pearson.
D. asked himself why Pearson stole the black cat.
E. said that he knew who Pearson had been.
Jawaban: A
Jawaban ini sesuai dengan isi teksnya di mana Salahadin bertanya dalam hati apakah Pearson berhasil menemukan makam Ankuten dan menemukan seekor kucing hitam.
The dialogue is for questions number 19
Leo: Did you attend the briefing this morning?
Libra: Yes, I did.
Leo: What did the instructor say?
Libra: ….
Leo: That will be hard because I always sleep late.
19. What did Leo ask Libra?
A. He asked Libra if he had attended the meeting that morning.
B. He asked Libra to attend the meeting and tell him the result.
C. He asked Libra where the meeting was.
D. He asked why the briefing was early in the morning.
E. He asked how the instructor talked.
Jawaban: A
Leo bertanya apakah Libra menghadiri pertemuan. Jawaban ini sesuai dengan isi dialognya di mana Leo bertanya, “Did you attend the briefing this morning?”
Octa: Have you ever been to Italy?
Rex: Yes, I have. I went there last year with my family.
Octa: How did you like it?
Rex: It is hard to say. I suppose I like everything about that country.
20. Based on the dialogue, which of the following statement is correct?
A. Rex asked if Octa had ever been to Italy.
B. Octa asked if Rex had ever been to Italy before.
C. Rex told Octa that some parts of Italy were good.
D. Rex told Octa that he would visit Italy again.
E. Octa asked if Rex had liked his journey to Italy.
Jawaban: B
Pada dialog, Octa bertanya apakah Alex pernah mengunjungi Italy: “Have you ever been to Italy?” Berarti, jawaban yang sesuai dengan hal tersebut adalah B. Octa asked if Rex had ever been to Italy before.